How to renovate your home during the cost of living crisis

couple covering furniture ready for decoration in home

The cost of living crisis has made it difficult for many people to budget for home renovations – But with a little bit of creativity and some smart planning, we believe it’s still possible to renovate your home without breaking the bank. Here are some tips on how to renovate your home during a cost of living crisis whilst still saving money.

1. Create a budget

The first step in any home renovation project is to create a budget. This will help you to determine how much money you can realistically afford to spend on your renovation project. Be sure to include all of the costs associated with your project, including materials, labor, and any planning permits or fees that may be required.

2. Prioritise your projects

Once you have created a budget, prioritize your renovation projects. Determine which projects are the most important and which can wait until later. This will help you to focus your resources on the most important projects and avoid overspending.

3. DIY

Doing some of the work yourself can save you a significant amount of money. Consider doing some of the simpler tasks such as installing new fixtures yourself. However, be sure to only take on tasks that you are comfortable with and have the necessary skills for.

4. Shop around for materials

Don’t just buy the first materials you come across. Shop around and compare prices at different stores to find the best deals. You can also consider buying used or recycled materials, which can be significantly cheaper than new materials. Facebook, eBay and Gumtree have some absolute bargain finds on, it’s surprising how much you can up-cycle or repurpose with a little bit of creativity! 

5. Renovate in stages

If you can’t afford to do all of the renovations at once, consider renovating in stages. This will allow you to spread the cost of the renovations over a longer period of time and avoid taking on too much debt and stress.

6. Hire a professional

While DIY can save you money, it’s important to know when to call in a professional. Hiring a professional for more complex tasks can actually save you money in the long run, as they will have the necessary skills and experience to complete the task correctly the first time.

the flawless team working on a plastered ceiling on scaffold platform

Flawless Design & Build are experts in home renovations, and can carry out a multitude of projects with great skill, all the necessary equipment and fully covered by insurance.

7. Consider energy-efficient upgrades

Energy-efficient upgrades, such as installing new windows and doors, can actually save you money in the long run by reducing your energy bills. Look for rebates or tax credits that may be available for energy-efficient upgrades to help offset the cost.

Renovating your home during a cost of living crisis simply requires careful planning and smart decision-making. By creating a budget, prioritising things that urgently need to be done, shopping around for materials, and considering energy-efficient upgrades, you can save money whilst still achieving your renovation goals!

If you have a renovation project in mind, or would like to look at money saving options for your home, contact our specialist team to discover how you can renovate – even on a budget!